fancy guppy造句
- I have a femal fancy guppy and a male gold swordtail, among other things.
- "Poecilia wingei " is a very colorful guppy species, similar to the Fancy guppy often found in pet shops.
- If your best friend lives in a little glass bowl, visit the International Fancy Guppy Association site for a photo gallery, plus information on guppy clubs, chat rooms and swap shops.
- According to Stan Shubel, the author of " Aquarium Care for Fancy Guppies ", the Endler guppy is, in fact, not a separate species; claiming it has the same genetic makeup as the common guppy, yet is given its own name, " Poecilia wingei ", for conservation purposes.
- It's difficult to find fancy guppy in a sentence. 用fancy guppy造句挺难的